

Chemical analysis is conducted for a wide range of purposes from material identification and characterization to quality control lookout. Laboratory has various capability of analysing a wide range of materials including ceramics, raw materials, mortars, metals, polymers, natural materials, waste streams, gas and air monitoring, conformity to legislation, components and consumer products. Data is collected using a combination of instrumental techniques including X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry (ICP) with more traditional analytical techniques available.




GFAA Testi

GFAA testi ASTM E1184-10 standardına uygun olarak gerçekleştirilmektedir. Atomik spektroskopi, bir analitin elektromanyetik veya kütle spektrumundan faydalanarak elemental kompozisyonunun tespit edilmesi tekniğidir.
GFAA testi, metallerde ppm ve sub-ppm seviyelerde artık analiz edebilme yeteneğiyle diğer tekniklerden daha hassas ölçüm kabiliyeti sağlar. Bu test, uzay alaşımlarındaki düşük kaynama noktalı tramp elementlerinin tespitinde ve iz metallerinin tespitinde oldukça kullanışlıdır. (ASTM E1184 – 10:Standard Practice for Determination of Elements by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry).  

Wet Chemical Analysis ıslak kimyasal Wet Chemical analysis is performed by ASTM A751-11 standard. Wet Chemical analysis excludes all techniques that use instrumentation for quantitative analysis. Gravimetry and Titrimetry are two procedures are used in our laboratory to perform classical chemistry.
Many wet chemical method can be used for materials in small quantities and a variety of shapes and forms. This technique is also performed to represation of gross chemistry on non-homogeneous samples. In addition, this method plays an important role in the many analytical applications. (ASTM A751 – 11: Standard Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products).

SEM/EDS Chemical Analysis: SEM/EDS Chemical Analysis is implemented by ASTM A751-11 standard. Scanning Electron Microscope is used for chemical analysis of micro levels particles or area. Energy Dispersive Spectrometer analysis consists of measuring the energy and intensity distribution of X-Ray signals on the sample. Elemental analysis of materials can be applied by EDS analysis.(ASTM A751 – 11: Standard Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products).

XRF (X-RAY Fluorescence) Analysis
X-Ray fluorescence is implemented by ASTM A751-11 standard. X-Ray fluorescence is a method for the detection and quantification of elements in a wide range of matrixes. Analysis of major elements and trace elements in geological materials is possible by X-ray fluorescence method and the behavior of atoms under the influence of radiation. (ASTM A751 – 11: Standard Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products).

ICP Analysis (Inductively Coupled plasma)
ICP Analysis is performed by ASTM A751-11 standard. ICP is a spectrophotometric analysis method for measuring all elements in the periodic table except gases. This technique is especially used for determining trace elements in the samples. This analysis method is based on atomic spectroscopy. (ASTM A751 – 11: Standard Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products).

GDS Analysis (Glow Discharge Spectroscopy)
GDS Analysis is implemented by ASTM A751-11 standard. In this technique, a plasma is created with the surface of metallic materials, all elements reach their original energy levels and each of all do radiation in specifically. Intensity of the emitted rays is measured by the multiple wavelength and these data contributes to the quantitative analysis of elements. With this technique, chemical analysis of necessary elements of iron, zinc and aluminum alloys can be made. (ASTM A751 – 11: Standard Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products).

Carbon, Sulphure, Oxygen and Nitrogen Analysis karbon sülfür analizi
This Analysis is performed by ASTM A751-11 standard. Metallic materials, ores and powder materials used in this technique for the determination of carbon and sulfur. This test method is based on the combustion of materials and this technique are supported by ICP and OES techniques for a full chemical analysis. (ASTM A751 – 11: Standard Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products).

OES Analysis (Optical Emission Spectrometer)
This technique is performed by ASTM A751-11 standard.OES analysis is performed for quantitative determination of analyte concentration by excited atoms and its light emission. 
Analyte atoms are aspirated where they are atomized by a plasma. Excited atoms move up to high energy levels and then they are level downed by emitting light. This light emissions form a narrow spectral zone. Analyte atoms are detected by polychromator with multiple detectors and spectral data. (ASTM A751 – 11: Standard Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Products).